Young Dukha reindeer herders from Mongolia Khongorzul Mungunshagai, Khuderbat Zorigt and Uranbayar Bat Erdene, who were also students of the Indigenous Youth Leadership Course during the Arendal Week August 13-18, had a trip to visit Sami reindeer herders in Norway. The visit was organized by International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry as a part of the global knowledge-sharing component of the GEF-UNEP 10545 Reindeer Herding and Resilience Project, and coordinated by Kathrine I. Johnsen, PhD and Senior Research Scientist at Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA).
The trip included visits to Sennalandet, Kvaløya and Hammerfest.
Young reindeer herders met with Sami reindeer herding families of Inga Anne Karen Sara and Aslak Ante Sara, share their experienced and learned about Sami reindeer herding and their challenges. Young herders from Mongolia reflected that "reindeers in Norway are the same and also there were some plants and mountains looked same as their homeland in Mongolia".
Photo by Kathrine I. Johnsen and Khongorzul Mungunshagai
Learn more about the Reindeer Herding and Resilience project